The weather forecasters teased us and said that we might get four inches of snow overnight, but that certainly didn't happen! What a major disappointment. We hardly ever get snow here in coastal Virginia, so I was really looking forward to this "major snow event!" Last night I went to a wine tasting party at a coworker's house in Virginia Beach, and it was snowing most of the evening, but not sticking to the ground. I ended up spending the night there (let's just say that the "wine tasting" party turned into more of a "wine drinking" party!), and this morning when I got up they had just a light dusting of snow on everything. When I got back to Portsmouth, however, there was no snow on the ground at all!
This afternoon I ventured up to Williamsburg to get Rob's Christmas present (yes, I know...I'm pathetic...waiting until the week before he comes home to finish shopping for him!), and they had a decent amount of snow on the ground and gracing the branches of all the trees. It was quite pretty...and very appropriate for my Christmas shopping!
The snow in Williamsburg today.
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