Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rob's Promotion to Lieutenant Commander

On April 1, 2008, Rob was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander (O-4).  This was very welcome, after six years as a Lieutenant!  I had planned on going to the ship for the ceremony, but after the break-in at the house the day before (more on that later), I stayed at home to try to get things cleaned up.  Rob has transferred off the USS Carr and is now officially part of PCU Bush (the newest aircraft carrier, due to be commissioned in January 2009).  He will be the REA (Reactor Electrical Assistant) on the Bush.  He spent the last week in Pittsburgh doing casualty control training.  Below are pictures of the promotion ceremony.

Taking the oath from CO Mark Metzger.

The USS Carr CO pins Rob's new rank on his uniform.

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