Thursday, November 22, 2007

OpSmile Mission - Final Thoughts

I've been back home for a few days now and I'm suffering withdrawals from Morocco! I cannot put into words how much I absolutely loved everything about my mission experience in Tetouan. The people that we met were amazing...both the volunteers and the patients and their families. I've never in my life been kissed and hugged so much. It makes you realize how privileged we are in our lives when you see these families that have sacrificed so much in order to give their children the opportunity to have this life-changing surgery. During this mission, we were able to operate on 189 children and adults. That's a huge number; most missions average between 100 and 150 surgeries. But I think our entire team wanted to make sure that everyone who was eligible for a surgery did in fact receive a surgery, even if it meant later-than-usual nights at the hospital. It's completely worth it, though, when you see the utter happiness of the families when their kids come out of surgery.

I'm sure I'll get to go on another mission in the future, but I don't know if anything will ever compare to this first one. Hopefully Rob will get to join me on the next mission. What an awesome experience it would be to go through something like this together.

I hope you've enjoyed reading about the mission and Operation Smile in general! I encourage you to check out our website at if you're interested in learning more about our organization!

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